
camper-731931 placeholder avatar

430 days ago

camper-731931 3 reviews

"Large Site, Easy Access, Hot And Dusty In Summer"

We stayed at the second to last site before arriving at the Bear Canyon road turnoff that takes you the last 1/8mile to the lake parking area. It was a large site that could easily accommodate 10-12 campers. Quiet weekend with little activity... Read more

430 days ago

camper-731931 3 reviews

"Clean Campground, Close Quarters"

Stayed here(site 7) for five days, Mon-Fri. Had friendly neighbors all five days. This site(#7) is better if used in tandem with site (#6) for a larger group using both sites otherwise you will have little privacy. Permanent Johns(non flushable)... Read more

618 days ago

camper-731931 3 reviews

"Beautiful Winter Camping"

Mid-January weekend with about 6” of snow on the ground. Night temps 17deg, daily in the high 30’s low 40’s. Light dusting of 2” over night. Nice and quiet most of the day, average of 5 cars pass through the day. 2 bars of 5G service from T-Mobile... Read more
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"Large Site, Easy Access, Hot And Dusty In Summer"
"Clean Campground, Close Quarters"
"Beautiful Winter Camping"

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