Change History: |
Ching |
2022-03-23 16:21:44 -0700 |
display_name => ["Lundbom Lake West", "Lundbom Lake West Recreation Site"] |
longitude => [-120.6247678399086, -120.62610470774747] |
latitude => [50.08166986135739, 50.08232377984578] |
website => ["", ""] |
address_line1 => ["Unnamed Road", "Lundbom Lake Rd."] |
city_id => [32024, 32346] |
zip => ["", "V0E 2R0"] |
description => ["", "Horse corral use has a fee of $2.00 per horse per night. The 14 (double-sized) corrals fill quickly, so it is recommended that you arrive early as the use of electric fences and/or high lining is not permitted. Water access is available adjacent to the public boat launch; however, horses are not permitted in the lake."] |
pad_type => [nil, "dirt"] |
pets => [false, true] |
rate_low => [nil, 15] |
number_of_sites => [nil, 102] |
restrooms => [nil, "onsite"] |
water_access => [false, true] |
boat_ramp => [false, true] |
elevation => [3674, 3707] |
tents => ["unknown", "yes"] |
lead_photo_url_cache => ["", ""] |
price_cache => [nil, 1] |
horse_corral => [false, true] |
title_normalized => ["lundbomlakewest", "lundbomlakewestreationsite"] |
host_rule_1 => [nil, ""] |
host_rule_2 => [nil, ""] |
host_rule_3 => [nil, ""] |
host_rule_4 => [nil, ""] |
host_rule_5 => [nil, ""] |
Ching |
2022-07-26 16:39:47 -0700 |
slug => ["lundbom-lake-west", "lundbom-lake"] |
display_name => ["Lundbom Lake West Recreation Site", "Lundbom Lake Recreation Site"] |
description => ["Horse corral use has a fee of $2.00 per horse per night. The 14 (double-sized) corrals fill quickly, so it is recommended that you arrive early as the use of electric fences and/or high lining is not permitted. Water access is available adjacent to the public boat launch; however, horses are not permitted in the lake.", "Horse corral use has a fee of $2 per horse per night. The 14 (double-sized) corrals fill quickly, so it is recommended that you arrive early as the use of electric fences and/or high lining is not permitted. Water access is available adjacent to the public boat launch; however, horses are not permitted in the lake."] |
dry_camping => [false, true] |
picnic_table => [false, true] |
reservations => ["unknown", "no"] |
recreation_trail => [false, true] |
fishing => [false, true] |
lead_photo_url_cache => ["", ""] |
max_stay => [nil, 14] |
title_normalized => ["lundbomlakewestreationsite", "lundbomlakereationsite"] |
check_in_time => [nil, ""] |
check_out_time => [nil, ""] |
Ching |
2022-07-26 16:39:47 -0700 |
sq_lead_photo_urls => [[], ["", ""]] |
published_photo_count => [0, 2] |
Ching |
2022-07-26 16:40:29 -0700 |
city_id => [32346, 32460] |
User N/A |
2022-07-26 16:40:51 -0700 |
lead_photo_url_cache => ["", ""] |
Brad |
2022-08-06 07:44:35 -0700 |
stars => [0, 4] |
avg_access_rating => [0, 3] |
avg_location_rating => [0, 4] |
avg_cleanliness_rating => [0, 4] |
avg_site_quality_rating => [0, 3] |
avg_noise_rating => [0, 2] |
avg_verizon4g_signal => [nil, 1] |
computed_rating => [0, 4] |
Brad |
2022-08-06 13:13:40 -0700 |
sq_lead_photo_urls => [["", ""], ["", "", ""]] |
published_photo_count => [2, 3] |