
Lola placeholder avatar

Camel Lake Campground Bristol, FL
138 days ago

Lola 2 reviews

"Nice Spot Site 2. Need Leveler Though "

It was a great spot to see a dark sky! Lake trail was flooded. Saw a little gator in the swimming area

Silver Lake Recreation Site Peachland, BC, Canada
773 days ago

Lola 2 reviews

"Waste Of Time!. "

After 10+ miles of washboard road, a very disappointing end- the road was obviously washed out. There was no way to get to the campground- a very narrow k turn and a trip back down the washboard road resulted. No cell service.
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Camel Lake Campground
Bristol, FL
"Nice Spot Site 2. Need Leveler Though "
Silver Lake Recreation Site
Peachland, BC, Canada
"Waste Of Time!. "
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