Kris B.

Kris B. placeholder avatar

Jensen's RV Park & Motel South Haven, MI
1431 days ago

Kris B.
Kris B. 2 reviews

"A little hidden slice of paradise."

An absolute gem, Jensens RV park is a great place to peacefully unwind and spend time with family. Located on the northern end of South Haven, Jensens is almost completely hidden from the hustle and bustle of beach-tourist-town atmosphere that... Read more

1478 days ago

Kris B.
Kris B. 2 reviews

"Outstanding Maiden Voyage!"

So.. let me save everyone some time by saying what Trading Places is NOT: Its not a big rv destination park with trails, playgrounds, golf courses, scenic vistas or a wicked fishing hole. Now.. if you've gotten this far, let me tell you what... Read more
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Jensen's RV Park & Motel
South Haven, MI
"A little hidden slice of paradise."
"Outstanding Maiden Voyage!"

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