Question about Many Glacier Campground


Room4Two asked on 11/1/2022

Would July weather typically be too hot to leave our pet in the RV? I see there are no electric hookups to run AC while we are out hiking and sightseeing. Thanks!

Answer question
Roseville, CA
19' Escape 2009
2013 Ford F150
10 reviews

Answered on 11/3/2022:

We stayed at Many Glacier campground that time of year (end of July, beginning of August) and I’d be surprised if the weather would get too warm for your pet. The elevation is about 4,500 ft which keeps things a bit cooler. Running a fan and leaving some window opening should keep your rig a comfortable enough temperature for your pet especially if you can schedule your hikes for the morning. No guarantees though…
Carmel Valley, CA
12' Vistabule
Toyota FJ
1 review

Answered on 2/21/2023:

I have left my standard schnauzer tied up on the shady side of the trailer with food and water for 5-6 hours while hiking. No problem.