Change History: |
Liz |
2022-03-28 08:24:12 -0700 |
stars => [2, 0] |
computed_rating => [2, 0] |
slug => ["rocker-d-rv-ranch", "country-living-retreat-tx"] |
display_name => ["Rocker D RV Ranch", "Country Living Retreat"] |
website => [nil, ""] |
email => [nil, ""] |
phone1 => ["940-327-8204", "940-452-7970"] |
phone2 => [nil, ""] |
address_line2 => [nil, ""] |
description => [nil, ""] |
dump_station_price => [nil, ""] |
showers => [false, true] |
passport_america => [false, true] |
restrooms => [nil, "flush"] |
reservations => ["unknown", "yes"] |
rec_hall => [false, true] |
picnic_area => [false, true] |
getting_there => [nil, ""] |
military_discounts => [false, true] |
pet_restrictions => [nil, ""] |
cabins => [false, true] |
open_seasonally_text => [nil, ""] |
phone_reservation => [nil, ""] |
ohv_area => [nil, false] |
horse_corral => [nil, false] |
casino => [nil, false] |
title_normalized => ["rockerdranch", "countryliving"] |
host_rule_1 => [nil, ""] |
host_rule_2 => [nil, ""] |
host_rule_3 => [nil, ""] |
host_rule_4 => [nil, ""] |
host_rule_5 => [nil, ""] |
Liz |
2022-03-28 08:24:12 -0700 |
Tina and John |
2022-03-28 16:34:56 -0700 |
stars => [0, 3] |
avg_access_rating => [0, 5] |
avg_location_rating => [0, 5] |
avg_cleanliness_rating => [0, 3] |
avg_site_quality_rating => [0, 4] |
avg_noise_rating => [0, 3] |
avg_verizon4g_signal => [nil, 2] |
computed_rating => [0, 6] |
Tina and John |
2022-03-28 16:36:32 -0700 |
computed_rating => [6, 9] |
User N/A |
2022-03-28 16:37:39 -0700 |
lead_photo_url_cache => ["", ""] |
Brian |
2022-03-28 16:44:14 -0700 |
avg_site_quality_rating => [4, 3] |
Liz |
2022-04-25 12:37:48 -0700 |
slug => ["country-living-retreat-tx", "country-living-rv-park-tx"] |
display_name => ["Country Living Retreat", "Country Living RV Park"] |
website => ["", ""] |
email => ["", ""] |
wifi => ["yes", "free"] |
dog_run => [false, true] |
rate_low => [30, 35] |
number_of_sites => [54, 36] |
rv_storage => [true, false] |
lead_photo_url_cache => ["", ""] |
sq_lead_photo_urls => [[], ["", "", "", "", "", ""]] |
published_photo_count => [0, 12] |
Liz |
2022-04-25 12:37:49 -0700 |
computed_rating => [9, 3] |
reviews_count => [3, 1] |
Liz |
2022-04-25 12:40:01 -0700 |
lead_photo_url_cache => ["", ""] |
computed_rating => [3, 9] |
sq_lead_photo_urls => [["", "", "", "", "", ""], ["", "", "", "", "", ""]] |
Liz |
2022-04-25 12:58:46 -0700 |
sq_lead_photo_urls => [["", "", "", "", "", ""], ["", "", "", "", "", ""]] |