Mali Mish Marlene

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Rivera del Mar RV Park Loreto, BCS, Mexico
2921 days ago

Mali Mish Marlene
Mali Mish Marlene 0 reviews

La Perla Bahia Concepcion, BCS, Mexico
2921 days ago

Mali Mish Marlene
Mali Mish Marlene 0 reviews

Hacienda de la Habana Mulege, BCS, Mexico
2953 days ago

Mali Mish Marlene
Mali Mish Marlene 0 reviews

San Lucas Cove RV Park Santa Rosalia, BCS, Mexico
2954 days ago

Mali Mish Marlene
Mali Mish Marlene 0 reviews

Rice & Beans RV Park San Ignacio, BCS, Mexico
2969 days ago

Mali Mish Marlene
Mali Mish Marlene 0 reviews

East Cape San Jose del Cabo, BCS, Mexico
3004 days ago

Mali Mish Marlene
Mali Mish Marlene 0 reviews

Campo Rene Estero el Coyote, BCS, Mexico
3044 days ago

Mali Mish Marlene
Mali Mish Marlene 0 reviews

Laguna Ojo de Liebre Campground Guerrero Negro, BCS, Mexico
3045 days ago

Mali Mish Marlene
Mali Mish Marlene 0 reviews

Rancho Grande Bahía San Luis Gonzaga, BCN, Mexico
3056 days ago

Mali Mish Marlene
Mali Mish Marlene 0 reviews
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Mali Mish – Loreto, Baja California Sur, Mexico.

First rule of driving in Baja is don’t drive at night. The reason behind that rule is not banditos, but livestock which might be taking a nap on the warm asphalt. But livestock doesn’t only need to be...

Mali Mish – Playa Perla of Bahia de Concepcion, Baja California Sur, Mexico.

Dan got to take a week of work off so we could enjoy the internet-less beaches of middle Baja and tonight marks the last night of this type of living before we have to flee to the next portion of Baja...

Mali Mish – Mulege, Baja California Sur, Mexico.

The next stop on the Baja Express is to the town of Mulege. Instead of camping near town, we chose to be outside of town a bit at a campground surrounded by orange groves called Ray’s RV Park and Resor...

Mali Mish – Santa Rosalia and San Lucas, Baja California Sur, Mexico.

After the palm tree oasis of San Ignacio, we headed further south to the teeny tiny town of San Carlos. We were just looking for a spot for the night and the oceanfront spot at San Carlos Cove RV Park...

Mali Mish – San Ignacio, Baja California Sur, Mexico.

Our next stop on the road through Baja California Sur is the small town of San Ignacio. We heard that it was a date palm oasis in the middle of the desert but were pleasantly surprised to also find an...

Mali Mish – San Ignacio, Baja California Sur, Mexico.

Our next stop on the road through Baja California Sur is the small town of San Ignacio. We heard that it was a date palm oasis in the middle of the desert but were pleasantly surprised to also find an...

Mali Mish – Asuncion and Abreojos, Baja California Sur, Mexico.

Took a week off of work so we could do some off-the-grid exploring. First stop was a little fishing village called Bahia Asuncion on the Pacific 120 miles off of Mexico Highway 1. We did not know what...

Mali Mish – Asuncion and Abreojos, Baja California Sur, Mexico.

Took a week off of work so we could do some off-the-grid exploring. First stop was a little fishing village called Bahia Asuncion on the Pacific 120 miles off of Mexico Highway 1. We did not know what...

Mali Mish – Laguna Ojo de Liebre

On Friday afternoon after signing off of work, we headed out of town a few miles. No cell reception, no problem. It was time for us to get up close and personal with some gray whales… if they’ll let us...

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